Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Big Chill Festival Program.

Just finished working on the design and layout of Big Chill Festival
Program. Off there at the weekend, so now I know where everything is...

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Hidden Gems show

I've just produced a print for the 'Hidden Gems' show this weekend in Covent garden put on by the East End Arts Club. 
Its in keeping with the theme and is entitled 'Gem Hidden', its the first time i've got to grips with a 12 nozzle giclee printer.
Available here.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Quintet publishing.

Another few weeks work at Quintet publishing completing various work including this jacket design for one of their latest books.

Friday, 1 May 2009

Jersey tourist board.

Was commissioned by Communique 360 agency to produce this illustration for the Jersey tourist board. They had a particular style that they wanted emulated for the brief.

Monday, 20 April 2009

End of the Road - Screen print

Crenshaw, Frangk, Melvin and the rest of the 'Shattered Illusions' gang feature in this latest 3 colour screen print. Available now.

This latest print which was featured in Daydream Networks latest book and also appeared in their show, The Carnaby Project.

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Quintet publishing

Have been working at Quintet book publishers for a few weeks now, composing layouts, picture researching, taking books to press and coming up with a few jacket designs.
Here's a couple, both from their new Continental Kitchen range.